This is a message to Infowars and Alex Jones! Everybody please send this to Infowars so Alex Jones can understand what The Galactic Current Sheet is!
Can Ben Davidson please come on the Alex Jones Show so he can inform Billions of people about his Suspicious Observers information about the galactic energy wave hitting our universe right now? Please and thank you!
Ben Davidson can inform Alex Jones about the different cycles in space that happen every 3, 6, 9, 12,000+ years etc and what they’re called. For example, the Magnetic Excursion cycles are called and happened: Gothenburg 12,000 years ago, Lake Mungo 24,000 years ago, Mono Lake 36,000 years ago, Laschamp 48,000 years ago, Vostok 60,000 years ago, Toba 72,000 years ago. Alex Jones has to hear that! Ben Davidson doesn’t really do politics etc, but I think it’s time that Ben Davidson goes on The Alex Jones show soon, this week or next week, because people need to hear what all he says!
I sent 2 emails to Ben Davidson and he hasn’t responded to me yet. I also sent 10 emails to Infowars and crew about this and they haven’t respond yet! That’s why I’m writing this article. Please SOMEONE get this information to Alex Jones and get Ben Davidson on his show and Zack Mount on his show too!
I am a true dedicated follower of Suspicious Observers and have been watching and following their videos since the very beginning about 10 years ago! I love their morning videos and I wish they were on regular and alternative news channels. It would be a great thing to add them to everybody’s daily news reports! I want Ben Davidson to go on The Alex Jones Show this week or coming soon! As much as I follow the Suspicious Observers daily reports, I’ve also been following The Alex Jones Show since 2006 listening to their daily reports! A lot of people don’t like Alex Jones because he tells The Truth and a lot of people don’t want to hear the truth. Alex Jones has been dedicated to learning all the facts and details on planet Earth about the evil Satanic Globalists that are trying to depopulate the planet. As smart as Alex Jones is about what’s happening on planet Earth, Ben Davidson is smarter than Alex Jones on what’s happening in outer space and Alex Jones needs to be informed on what Ben Davidson talks about and his theory about the galactic plasma energy wave coming through our galaxy and about to hit our universe right now! Ben Davidson doesn’t do politics etc, but I think it’s time that Ben Davidson goes on The Alex Jones show because he’s about to lose his Youtube account permanently! If that happens before he gets another outlet, he’ll lose those 568,000+ followers! Alex Jones is a very kind man and will probably allow Ben Davidson to set up an account on his independent video website called,, so he can post his daily posts on Alex Jones’s website, to his millions of followers! Alex Jones will not have Ben Davidson restricted to rules like youtube. He’ll be able to say whatever he wants to say, especially hating on Climate Change and debunking it and explaining it for what it is, which is our Sun that’s doing it, not people. Now I don’t know if Alex Jones will let Ben Davidson do that immediately, but both of these guys are great information holders on two important categories, The Earth and Outer Space and what’s about to happen with the Micronova/Supernova. Alex Jones has a worldwide audience of about 2 billion people, now a days, that seriously listens to him, plus leaders of countries around the world! Our President Trump listens to him and Alex Jones talks with our President Trump every now and then and can seriously get a message to him when it is important and Ben Davidson’s information is seriously important! Ben Davidson’s information can and would get to President Trump so we can save our country and this planet.
So if Ben Davidson could get on The Alex Jones show soon, his message could reach the whole planet and inform everybody about how the planet rotates 90 degrees because of these Magnetic Excursion cycles. Everybody needs to hear Ben Davidson’s truth. So what does Ben Davidson think about being on Alex Jones’s show? Would Ben Davidson be willing to do it? Does Ben Davidson know Alex Jones and has he heard of him? What does Ben Davidson think about him?
I want to make sure Ben doesn’t Hate Alex Jones and his following. Plus I, Zack Mount, would like to be on the Alex Jones Show so I can give my opinion on what’s going on. I’ve been sharing Suspicious Observers posts for over a decade now and the Infowars followers love my daily Suspicious Observers posts and I really think we can combine forces. Another reason I would like to be apart of the interview too is because I might be able to throw out solutions to a hand full of these problems. The green leaf on my logo is the Hemp leaf, it is not marijuana. I stand for God’s plant which is the greatest plant on this planet. Cannabis. The Cannabis family consist of two completely different plants. When hemp is grown the plant sucks up all the toxins, metals and other negative things and grows a strong durable plant. Now when I say Hemp I mean Marijuana’s cousin. In the Cannabis family, there are two cousins. Just like you have a cousin in your family. Well just because you and your cousin are in the same family doesn’t mean you are the same person, does it? NO! So in the Cannabis Family, there is the Hemp Plant and the Marijuana Plant. They are cousins and are totally different. They can help the planet in so many ways it is unbelievable and they are GOD’S PLANTS! There are more than 50,000+ things hemp can do and replace including fuel, paper, steel, and much more! President Donald J. Trump can REPLACE PLASTIC with HEMP! It is easy to grow and can make any plastic product we need except it will be made out of hemp instead and also be BIODEGRADABLE! That’s what this planet needs BIO-DEGRADABLE HEMP PLASTIC EVERYTHING! That would mean no more ‘Bisphenol A’ in the Oceans, there wouldn’t be literal tons of plastics sitting on this planet, as well as many other things! It could help the Farmers by allowing HEMP to be grown again in cycles with the Corn and soybeans and wheat and more to keep the fields healthy and the farm animals healthy as well as Americans healthy. It is also time we legalize medical cannabis (Hemp and Marijuana) equally across all the states for people that have Epilepsy, (which I actually have), and plus many other conditions. It has already been medically proven to Save Lives and improve conditions over tens of thousands of times, in tens of thousands of medical reports NOW! Medical Cannabis (Hemp and Marijuana) SAVES LIVES! It’s Time to END CANNABIS PROHIBITION and save the planet on many levels! Hemp could also improve our healthcare system by lightyears and get rid of Evil BIG PHARMA!
Everybody who doesn’t know what Suspicious Observers is or what The Galactic Current Sheet energy wave coming closer to planet Earth is, Please watch these 4 videos below!
I was watching Alex Jones’s Saturday show on October 16th 2021, and 25 minutes into his Saturday broadcast, ( he mentioned that the bad guys think that “the Pole shift is going to happen in 2029 and that Earth will be being hit by large asteroids.” Alex Jones doesn’t believe this. Our North and South Pole aren’t going to completely flip and No we’re not going through “a new asteroid belt”. The Galactic Current Sheet is HITTING our asteroid belt and our Sun to create a Micronova or a Supernova that will tilt the planet 45 degrees, which will have our planet at a 90 degree angle. The planet will eventually move back to where it is now, but it will take some time. I agree with Alex Jones that it’s bad the celebrities, politicians, and the bad people in charge, go to the transhumanist conferences. They shouldn’t do that. That’s not good they decided to not try and save the planet and decided to let everybody die besides themselves. That’s not right. We can survive this and we will!
Yes that moon raker movie might be their idea to survive this disaster. The Moon is made out of metal and when back in the day Nasa decided to slam a dead satellite into the moon to see what would happen, the Moon literally rand like a GONG for 7 hours! Look it up They couldn’t believe that happened, so they slammed another satellite into the Moon and it did it again, except this time the moon rang even louder and longer than it did the first time! It rang for like 10 or 17 hours or something like that. After both those tests, NASA has never done that again. The Moon is probably manmade 4 billion years ago because it is the exact size of the Sun at the exact distance it needs to be. Plus it has like 35 feet deep of dust on it. That’s why all the craters are the same depth no matter what width they are. Plus since it’s metal and the magnetic force of it is so strong, the Earth’s water and tides flow with the rising and setting of the moon.
Ian Flemming was probably right because they are preparing for The Galactic Energy Current Sheet to hit our asteroids and our Sun, which is just now starting two weeks ago! Watch this video —> Star Trigger, Ozone, Elemental Production, Space Weather | S0 News Oct.4.2021
They’re not just trying to kill us with the bioweapon. Just like Alex Jones said, the Evil Globalists never want to waste a disaster! They are taking advantage OF THIS SITUATION AND SACRIFICING ALL THE PEOPLE on the planet for Satan himself. The are trying to bring the AntiChrist with all this death. Plus when the planet tilts over billions of people will die and that will help the bad guys sacrifice more people for Satan and try to get the AntiChrist. We can literally stop these bad guys and help save the planet!
Alex Jones needs to know that the globalists did a hemp experiment on the nuclear disaster in Fukushima. They spilled all that radiation so they could TEST HEMP and see if it could clean it all up and it literally did! Hemp can be grown anywhere the nuclear radiation is at and literally NOT HAVE RADIATION in the stalk of the plant! It’s GOD’S PLANT AND DESIGNED TO SUCK UP ALL, AND ANY KIND OF RADIOACTIVE toxins, metals and other negative things and grow a strong clean durable ready to use the plant for 50,000+ different things and more!
If Ben Davidson and I, Zack Mount, both went on the Alex Jones show, (at different times is totally okay), we could inform Alex Jones and the world about Suspicious Observers and what The Galactic Current Sheet is and my Hemp information! William Shatner went to outer space the other day and talked about how he felt death up there. Ben Davidson needs to come on Alex Jones’s show to explain to people what Shatner felt. William Shatner felt The Galactic Current Sheet energy wave coming closer to planet Earth! Let’s wake up people’s minds and save this planet with Suspicious Observers’s information, my Hemp information and Alex Jones’s information.
EVERYBODY READ THIS, I’M NOT KIDDING! PLEASE GET ME ON THIS SHOW FOR 1 HOUR OR THE ENTIRE SHOW PLEASE! EVERYBODY GET THIS INFORMATION TO ALEX JONES! ALEX JONES ALMOST HAS THE whole Globalist puzzle figured out, he just needs these last few pieces! Please for the love of God, Share this post and somebody explain these few facts and get him to watch these few videos! Let me explain this stuff to Alex Jones! I seriously beg everybody! Please contact me back at so I can be on the Alex Jones show this week! I love you guys reading this. I love Suspicious Observers and I love all of Infowars! Please let’s combine all this information and educate the world!