Outline of the Benefits and Uses of Hemp:
Biomass Hemp
As a biomass, hemp burns hotter and cleaner than coal.
Hemp biomass can be converted to methane or methanol.
Hemp Paper
Industrial hemp makes better paper than wood (the US Constitution was printed on hemp).
Hemp Oils
Hemp produces oils which can replace synthetic solvents for a wide range of uses, including paints and paint thinners.
Clothing from hemp
Hemp fibers can be woven into extremely durable clothing material.
Grows Easily!
Hemp can be grown organically in poor soil almost anywhere, up to three crops per year, far more efficient than lumber.
Hemp is naturally drought, pest, and disease resistant, eliminating the need for synthetic chemicals and reducing the demand on dwindling water supplies.
Amazing Facts About Hemp!
Hemp and History
Until 1883, 75-90% of all paper in the U.S. was made with hemp.
Hemp seed was the # 1-selling bird feed; 4 million pounds were sold in the U.S. in 1937.
In the mid-to-late 1800’s the 2nd & 3rd most commonly used medications were concentrated cannabis extracts and resins (a.k.a. hashish).
A bridge in the south of France dated at 500-700 A.D. was built with a mixture of hemp.
In 1941 Henry Ford built a car with a plastic made from hemp and wheat straw.
Until 1937 70-90% of all rope and twine was made with hemp.
Both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew hemp on their plantations.
In 1850 the U.S. Census reported 8,327 hemp plantation of at least 2000 acres in size. Not counted were thousands of smaller crops.
The original Levi Strauss jeans were made from hemp.
In 1942 the U.S. government strongly encouraged hemp cultivation to help with the war effort, going so far as to produce a film entitled “Hemp For Victory”.
The version of the Declaration of Independence released on July 4, 1776 was written on hemp.
Hemp and Industry
There are over 25,000 known uses for hemp.
The heating and compressing of hemp fibers can create building materials superior to wood in strength, quality and cost.
Hemp is heat, mildew, pest, light, and rot resistant.
Hemp fabric is softer, warmer, more water resistant and more durable than cotton. Hemp fabric also uses less chemicals to produce.
Industrial uses of hemp in China date as far back as 10,000 years.
Hemp as a Fuel Source
A bio-diesel fuel is one made from hemp oil, vegetable oil, or other animal fat. The original idea wax developed in 1895 by Dr. Rudolph Diesel, who developed the first engine than ran on vegetable oil. He demonstrated the engine at the 1900 World Exhibition in Paris, France, running the engine on peanut oil.
Hemp can be blended with diesel fuel in any ratio or used alone.
Biodiesel fuel is the only alternative fuel that can be used as-is, in any un-modified diesel engine.
The increased use of biodiesel fuels would reduce dependence on foreign sources while increasing national agricultural jobs and revenues.
The flashpoint of petroleum fuel is 125 degrees Fahrenheit while the flashpoint of biodiesel fuels is 300 degrees Fahrenheit.
Biodiesel fuels have been used successfully in Europe for over 20 years.
Hemp as a Profitable Crop
Hemp is cold hardy, able to withstand even NH winters.
Hemp is pest resistant ( except from the 2-legged kind).
Hemp is draught resistant.
It is estimated that if 6% of the continental U.S. planted with hemp would provide for all national energy needs.
Hemp has a production rate of up to 10 tons per acre, every 4 months.
1 acre of usable hemp fiber is equal to the usable fiber of 4 acres of trees or 2 acres of cotton.
Trees mature in 50-100 years; hemp matures in as little as 100 days.
The University of Missouri estimates that an average-size metropolitan area production of 100 million gallons of biodiesel fuel could generate $8.34million in personal income and 6000 temporary and permanent jobs. (Ref: National Biodiesel Board)
In 1776 a hemp shirt cost .50 cents to $1.00; a cotton shirt cost $100-$200
Hemp and the Environment
Biodiesel fuels emit 80% less carbon dioxide & nearly 100% less sulfur dioxide.
Hemp paper can be recycled up to seven (7) times; wood pulp paper can be recycled four (4) times.
Hemp fuels do not destroy the ozone layer or contribute to global warming.
Hemp fuels burn clean; they do not cause acid rain.
Hemp fuel is 10 times less toxic than salt, and as biodegradable as sugar.
Hemp and Health
Hemp oil is the highest source of essential omega 3 and 6 fatty acids which, among other things, help control cholesterol, arterial blockage and the immune system.
Commonly-known medicinal uses of hemp include: nausea & vomiting; multiple sclerosis/muscle spasm disorders; spinal cord injuries; Chron’s disease; Alzheimer’s disease; Tourette’s syndrome; digestive disorders; glaucoma; asthma; neurodegenerative disorders;
At one time American companies Eli Lily, Squibb and Park Davis produced cannabis extract medicines.
Hemp and the Law
In 1619 Jamestown Colony, Virginia enacted laws ordering farmers to grow hemp. Similar laws were enacted in Massachusetts in 1631, Connecticut in 1632 and the Chesapeake Colonies in the mid-1700’s.
In England, foreigners were awarded with citizenship if they grew cannabis; those who refused were fined.
From 1631 until the early 1800’s, hemp was used as legal money, with which one could buy goods and pay bills.
Hawaii is the first state sine the 1950’s to legally plant a hemp crop.
Hemp and the Arts
“Alice in Wonderland” was originally printed on hemp paper. It’s author, Lewis Carroll, was a frequent marijuana smoker.
The paintings of Vincent Van Gogh and Rembrandt were regularly painted on hemp canvases.
In 1935, 116 million pounds (58,000 tons) of hemp seed was used to make paints and varnishes.
Industrial Hemp Production and US Marijuana Prohibition
During the years 1916-1937, William Randolph Hearst created a yellow journalism campaign to associate hemp with marijuana. Even though smoking hemp, like most fibers, will just make you sick, Hearst, along with his friend Pierre DuPont, succeeded in outlawing hemp in America. They actually robbed the world of an environmental cash crop. Why would they do such a thing? Because instead of using hemp for paper, clothing, fuel, oils, resins, medicines, and many other uses, we now use trees and synthetic petrochemicals. Hearst owned huge forests and interests in lumber mills. DuPont made synthetic fuels and fibers (nylon, rayon, plastics) from petroleum.
Hemp for Health : The Medicinal and Nutritional Uses of Cannabis Sativa – Chris Conrad; Paperback
The Great Book of Hemp : The Complete Guide to the Commercial, Medicinal and
Psychotropic Uses of the World’s Most Extraordinary Plant – Rowan Robinson, Robert A. Nelson; Paperback
The Emperor Wears No Clothes : Hemp and the Marijuana Conspiracy – Jack Herer; Paperback
Outline of the Benefits and Uses of Hemp:
Biomass Hemp
As a biomass, hemp burns hotter and cleaner than coal.
Hemp biomass can be converted to methane or methanol.
Hemp Paper
Industrial hemp makes better paper than wood (the US Constitution was printed on hemp).
Hemp Oils
Hemp produces oils which can replace synthetic solvents for a wide range of uses, including paints and paint thinners.
Clothing from hemp
Hemp fibers can be woven into extremely durable clothing material.
Grows easily
Hemp can be grown organically in poor soil almost anywhere, up to three crops per year, far more efficient than lumber.
Hemp is naturally drought, pest, and disease resistant, eliminating the need for synthetic chemicals and reducing the demand on dwindling water supplies.
“Estimates range as high as 50,000 for the number of products that could be made from hemp fiber and its component cellulose.”(1) Hemp is the common term for the industrial use of the Cannabis plant and it contains delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. This can be found in large quantities in one of the varieties of Cannabis used for recreational smoking called marijuana. Unfortunately, this factor limits and holds a huge restriction on the cultivation of industrialized hemp in the United States because hemp is too commonly confused with marijuana. There is a large selection of strains to choose from when it comes to Cannabis, but there are only about 3 broad groups(Wiki2) The first group consists of industrial hemp, or hemp cannabis oglalas, and it has the characteristics of “long stems and little branching, extreme red, yellow, blue of purple colorization… thickness of stem and solid core”.(Wiki2) Another variety of hemp is grown so that the hemp oil from the seed can be extracted and used for its many uses. The final main category of Cannabis, or more commonly known as “pot”, “weed”, or “ganja” is widely known across the entire globe and is used for many activities such as spiritual enlightenment, recreational purposes and even grown to treat certain medicinal conditions. Cannabinoids, a unique class of molecular molecules, can only be found in the Cannabis genus, THC and CBD. Marijuana is the popular type of Cannabis that contains a high level of the psychoactive cannabinoid, THC, and a low level of the antipsychoactive cannabinoid CBD. On the other hand industrial hemp is opposite and contains a high level of the antipsychoactive cannabinoid, CBD, and a low level of the psychoactive cannabinoid, THC. (Hemp Traders) The European Economic Community (EEC) defines industrial hemp to have THC content which is less than 0.3%.(3)
“Cannabis hemp probably evolved in northern China. It was the first fiber plant to be cultivated there at the dawn of human society.”(HH1) Hemp has been one of mankind’s greatest allies and has been used ever since its discovery. Hemp fibre imprints have been found on pottery shards in China and Taiwan dated back over 10,000 years ago in the Stone Age.(4) During that era they actually used the plant for the same uses that we still use today. Asians used the hemp for ropes, shoes, early forms of paper and of course clothes. (4) This continued throughout time until the medieval era in Germany and Italy when hemp was used in food dishes such as pies, soups and tortes. (5) Later on in Europe, hemp is a huge naval factor and became known as European hemp. It was used on many explorers’ ships, for example Christopher Columbus and Napoleon himself. (2)
Closer to more recent times even The Declaration of Independence was drafted by Jefferson himself on canvas paper,(6) and the word canvas actually comes from the word cannabis.(7)(8) During the time of slavery in our country, Kentucky’s economy was significantly focused on producing hemp on its slave plantations.(9) Up to this point in time, hemp has been accepted as a necessity of life and used to its utmost ability. Although by the turn of the century along with the Civil War, the hemp industry was nearly destroyed. By then, the gigantic wooden ships were not in use and the invention of the steamship dramatically reduced the need for the excessive amount of hemp. Wire cables and metal hulls replaced the hemp rope, sails and caulking and the hemp market dwindled down to only thread, twine, and cordage by the end of the century.(10)(11)
In 1937, the Marijuana Tax Act was passed by the decision of the United States Congress based on false information given to them by the “testimony derived from articles in newspapers owned by William Randolph Hearst, who had significant financial interests in the timber industry, which manufactured his newsprint…from 1880 to 1933 the hemp grown in the United States had declined from 15,000 to 1,200 acres…”(12)(13) These two horrible excuses for reasons were the main ones that as a result of that act, destroyed the hemp industry officially and industrial hemp was discontinued in America. This act only lasted a few years because of the horrible shortage of supplies in World War II for our American army. The USA encouraged farmers to be patriotic and help out their country by the means of growing as much industrial hemp as they could. Manila hemp was formally used after hemp was banned, but the Japanese controlled these areas, so the US government issued an educational film for farmers to grow hemp and get started immediately. The farmers obeyed and were patriotic and the shortages ended, but as soon as WWII was over, so was industrialized hemp for America once again. It is a shame that the many other uses of hemp weren’t acknowledged until later on down the road.(2)
One of the countries who understood hemp from the very beginning was China and they used Cannabis for medicinal uses dating back to 2300 B.C., “when the legendary Chinese Emperor Shen-Nung prescribed chu-ma (female hemp) for the treatment of constipation, malaria, and even menstrual problems. (14) The Chinese culture mainly used the form of Cannabis that had high levels of THC, and low levels of CBD, or also known as marijuana. They practiced this medicinal method for centuries, as well as used industrial hemp for as much as they could. “As of 2006, China produces roughly 40% of the world’s hemp fiber and has been producing much of the world’s Cannabis crop throughout much of history.”(15) For a short allotted time though, the Soviet Union during the 1950s to the 1980s became the world’s largest supplier of industrial hemp. “ The main production areas were in Ukraine, the Kursk and the Orel regions of Russia, and near the Polish border”(2) Mainly most of Europe and Asia was producing industrial hemp during this time such as North Korea, Hungary, the former Yugoslavia, Romania, Poland, France and Italy.”(2) Canada has even joined the rest of the world in hemp producing and actually exports the plant quite efficiently. It had also been banned in the country for decades ever since 1937, but in 1994 Canadian farmers began to try and plant the fiber once again.(2) “Canadian Hempseed exports surged 300% last year, accordingly to Vote Hemp, China and other eastern countries never prohibited it’s cultivation and use it extensively.”(2) Every one of these counties has come to acknowledge how much of a huge benefit this plant can be and how little it costs to produce.
Automotive panels that are made out of the German fibre make up the largest outlet for the country. Not only does Germany use industrial hemp in their automobiles seat cover’s insulation and brake lining, the German company ECCO Gleittechnic Gmbh invented a fireproof form of hemp called Iso-Hanf that reinforces concrete so that its flexibility is improved by 30%. The United States has to be aware that we are way behind in the technology race for finding different uses of hemp and it won’t be long until it’s too late for us to catch up. This doesn’t apply to the entire United States because a few companies are taking major stand. For example, C&S Specialty Builder’s Supply in Harrisburg, OR has produced a “superlative composite fiber-board from hemp” that are 300% more elastic and 250% stronger than wood itself.(2) The company’s founder’s even said that, “…we at C&S have come to the conclusion that the absolute best alternative to wood in construction products is hemp (Cannabis sativa)…hemp has the potential to be vastly superior to wood for everything from lumber to plywood to particle board or any other composite construction material…”(16) They have invented a new way to conserve the forest from being cut down as well as being burned because this material could change the world and there is no reason that everyone should not support them.
In the US, the hemp products industry has begun to develop based on imports (2) here recently, but this isn’t the first time certain people have made a stand for hemp. Our very first President of the United States was actually a hemp farmer that mentioned in his writings about growing Cannabis. George Washington urged his foreman to, “Make the most of the hempseed…Plant hemp everywhere.” Another famous American during that time who was also a Cannabis farmer was Thomas Jefferson his self, and in his writings he kept a record of his plants and thoughts on the subject.”(17)(18) Henry Ford understood this crop and took it to a different level during his time and in 1929 he began his research on how to make a “car from the soil.” Twelve years later he accomplished his goal after crucial research and his car had “a plastic body made from 70% wheat straw, hemp, and sisal, with 30% resin binder. Steel was connected to the tubular frame, but the plastic reportedly could withstand a blow 10 times better than steel without bending.
Today, instead of using hemp for the frame of the car, Mercedes-Benz uses the plant in all of their fiber door panels as well as sound insulation. Not only car companies today embrace hemp, but clothing companies as well such as the famed Georgio Armani.(22) Vans, Converse, and Adidas since 1995 have produced hemp sneakers and even bed spreads have been brought to the American public by Calvin Klein. Apparel from these high fashion creations all the way to baby diapers, socks, and work clothes are becoming more apparent and more accessible to the USA. “It is absolutely baffling to see the United States going in the opposite direction with no concept of renewable energy or agriculture, forestry, less fuel efficient cars, you name it.”(22) There is no reason that the US should be in this situation to where all the American citizens are losing in the end. If only we could join the rest of the world, we could all benefit worldwide from this one plant because of its thousands upon thousands of different uses we could do with it.
Actually, what can hemp not do? It has been around since the dawn of time and is one of the earliest humanly domesticated plants on the Earth. It’s becoming the fastest growing biomass because it can supply humans with fuel, food, biodegradable plastics, as well as textiles and especially paper.(2) Canada, the European Union and the United Kingdom, under the Misuse of Drugs Act of 1971, decided to issue licenses to their citizens so they can cultivate hemp themselves. When a citizen in any one of those countries grows hemp for non-drug purposes, hemp is called industrial hemp, and most of the time the major common project is fiber for the use in a wide variety of products.(1) The promotion of hemp-based products was started in 1992 by The International Hemp Association (IHA). The reason for this was so communication of factual information about Cannabis could be spread worldwide. A few years later in 1994, the Hemp Industries Association (HIA) “agreed that finished goods must contain 55% hemp to qualify as True Hemp products.”(1) A complete food can be made out of the tiny hempseed itself because it contains all the essential amino acids and fatty acids.(23) The oil in the hempseed contains 80% essential fatty acids, which is the highest total percentage amongst the common plants used by man.(1)
Starting with the smallest part of the Cannabis plant, the seed has a large amount of nutrients and minerals and can be eaten raw. Not only that, the seeds can be prepared as tea, ground into a meal or all the way used to bake a food. The leaves on the hemp plant are great for salads, but not only that nut butters, hemp tofu, frozen waffles and cereals can be made. Lactose intolerant individuals can now enjoy milk because the hemp seed also is able to be used to make a non-dairy milk or a hemp ice cream. (14)(24) The weight of the female plant is 50% seeds and that’s the main reason why they’re grown, so that these dairy products can be made cheaper than flax, almonds, and soy.
With oils in the stalks, and the hemp seeds, biofuels including alcohol fuel and biodiesel, can be produced easily into a reliable inexpensive fuel. (2) The hemp stalks can be converted to ethanol, into methane, into producer gas, and into methanol.(1) “Hemp definitely produces more energy per acre per year than corn, sugar, flax, or any other crop currently grown for ethanol or biodiesel.” (25) The biomass that is estimated to be produced by hemp is equivalent to 1,300 gal/acre of vehicle fuel.(1) The potentially biggest industrial use of the plant would be to use the hemp biomass as a source of fuel yet that aspect is the most under exploited.(26)
Not only can the hempseed oil be used for fuel and food, its medicinal purposes are just as important, if not more important. It has been found that the serum levels of total cholesterol would drop dramatically if a person had a diet of hempseed and if they kept it up for several weeks, blood pressure would also drop dramatically because of the sufficient supply of essential fatty acids.(27)(28)(29) Thirty percent of the hempseed is oil and “is one of the lowest in saturated fats”, which means it lowers cholesterol levels and strengthens the cardiovascular systems.(26) Another aspect of hempseed oil is that it’s great for skin care and hemp oil treats dry skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema.(30) The Chinese have known about these hempseed remedies for over 4,000 years, and what they used it for was to improve the “chi” or stamina of the body, as well as to heal skin sores, and dry skin.(26)
Another major product of hemp is clothes, and once again China is the first to ever use it. However in Stuttgart, Germany though, the earliest actual cloth of hemp and rope was discovered and it dated back to the pre-Roman period (600-400BC). (1) Hemp is three times stronger than cotton, one-third stronger than flax, and is half as strong as silk.(1) Not only does the hemp fiber have isolative qualities that allow the person wearing the cloth to be warm in the winter and cool in the summer, it also has a huge resistance to rot, superior strength and durability which are all characteristics for the shipping industry.(26) The Federal Bureau of Narcotics reprobate director, Harry Anslinger even said that the hemp fiber is outstanding in one of his speeches: “Now, this hemp is the finest fiber known to mankind. My God, if you ever have a shirt made out of it, your grandchildren would never see it wear out. You take Polish families. We used to see marijuana in the yards of Polish families. We’d go in start to tear it up and the man came out with a shotgun yelling, “These are my clothes for next winter!”(1) By growing industrial hemp it would eliminate the hassle of spending hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on clothes over a person’s lifetime. Even the reprobate director of our own Federal Bureau of Narcotics understood this concept about how durable industrial hemp is because he even said that “your grandchildren would never see it wear out.” Durability has got to be one of the best attributes of industrial hemp. According to six researchers, in 1999, at the North Dakota University, a study “showed that imports of industrial hemp have increased 215% since 1995…$5 million worldwide in 1993, increasing to $75 million in 1995…Hemptech has estimated that sales will exceed $600 million by 2001.”(1)
Obviously everyone is beginning to understand industrial hemp or at least willing to accept it now. It is a huge process that consists of many steps that industrial hemp has to go through before it becomes the product that we all see, but the products depend on a “guaranteed supply of standard quality raw fiber. The market needs governmental subsidization, private investment, certified quality control, database management of all parameters of the industry (seed, fertilizer, equipment, labor, transportation, storage, fiber processing, and the economics—costs, investments, subsidies, and market prices). A logistics support system is required to integrate, optimize, stabilize and control the industry from the farm to the end product.” (1) We must educate the public on the difference between marijuana and industrial hemp, because that is the main thing harming the market for the product. There is a huge amount of benefits hemp can help everyone with and right now there are some websites actually educating the public on the matter such as https://www.HempTraders.com, https://www.HempWorld.com, and https://www.TheHempShop.com.
Although today we aren’t as well educated on the industrial hemp business as we were in the past, back then hemp production made up a significant portion of the US economy. Many slave plantations placed their focus on producing hemp, because they already had the free labor, and “hemp production made up a significant portion of Kentucky’s economy.”(32) Not only did slaves pick cotton, but they also picked hemp as well, and back then since technology wasn’t that advanced, hemp was harder to get out of the fields by hand than cotton. The training methods are very easily learned and during WWII, a video named, Hemp for Victory, was made public by the US Department of Agriculture. It was basically made, “to encourage farmers to grow hemp for the war effort because the United States was facing a hemp shortage.” (31) The inspirational video was shown to every farmer across the United States and according to the transcript the narrator said, “But now, with Philippine and East Indian sources of hemp in the hands of the Japanese, and shipment from India curtailed, American hemp must meet the needs of our Army and Navy, as well as of our industry. In 1942, patriotic farmers at the government’s request planted 36,000 acres of seed hemp, an increase of several thousand percent. The goal of 1943 is 50,000 acres of hemp seed… Plans are afoot for a great expansion of a hemp industry as a part of the war program. The film is designed to tell farmers how to handle this ancient crop, now little known outside of Kentucky and Wisconsin…” (33)
If we would have continued to grow this plant throughout the United States over the years, everyone would have benefited because it has the possibility to make anyone rich from farming it, but after the war the need for hemp drastically declined. “One obstacle in the onward march of hemp is the reluctance of farmers to try new crops. The problem is complicated by the need for proper equipment a reasonable distance from the farm. The machine cannot be operated profitably unless there is enough acreage within driving range and farmers cannot find a profitable market unless there is machinery to handle the crop… This new crop can add immeasurably to American agriculture and industry.”(34) It‘s almost ridiculous that, “72% of Americans agree marijuana should be a choice, not a crime… and each year $12 billion of your tax money is spent to keep marijuana illegal… over $40 billion is spent each year by the government on the war on drugs.” (35) Right now there is almost no money put into the hemp industry in America. If we spent the billions of dollars on the required farming equipment and the land to grow it on, instead of on making it illegal, we could all potentially be billionaires, yet the government won’t allow it. Not only could it provide food, fuel, medicine, and clothes but this crop could also provide thousands of people with jobs and the income of the farmers of the country would multiply by thousands of times. “The University of Missouri estimates that an average size metropolitan area production of 100 million gallons of biodiesel fuel could generate $8.34 million in personal income and 6000 temporary and permanent jobs.” (36)
The Hemp industry is concentrated in the entire world, and “the US is the only industrialized country where hemp is illegal to grow.” (2) The United States government has not been completely constant, as shown by the widespread cultivation of the industrial hemp in Kentucky and Wisconsin. “There is a niche market for hemp paper, but the cost of hemp is approximately six times that of wood pulp, mostly due to the small size and outdated equipment of the few hemp processing plants in the western world.” (37) If hemp was cultivated today many of our problems could be solved and some of the main objectives of “Green Future” are becoming more widespread, as well as increasingly popular. The reason for this is because hemp is an excellent converter of carbon dioxide to oxygen considering how fast it grows. It requires little to no pesticides, replenishes soil with nutrients and nitrogen, and controls erosion of the topsoil. (2) “Many farmers are interested and need additional crops to grow and rotate these with existing crops to maintain the ecological balance in their soil… hemp outgrows any other plant on the face of this planet including weeds… loosens the soil down to eight feet deep and it detoxifies soil from heavy metals… needs very little water or care after planting and it replenishes the soil with the nutrients it needs to grow.” (22) Another one of the main benefits from hemp is that it could solve the deforestation in the Amazon rainforest. “The Brazilian government has finally admitted that the destruction of the Amazon rainforest has dramatically accelerated. In 1995, deforestation is at more than double the 1994 rate. As could be shown from satellite pictures finally released yesterday (Jan 27, 1998).” (22)
If we updated our machinery, it would further support the findings of Jack Herer, the author of “The Emperor Wears No Clothes”, who summarized the findings of Bulletin No. 404 (38) and said, “If the new (1916) hemp pulp paper process were legal today, it would soon replace about 70% of all wood pulp paper, including computer printout paper, corrugated boxes and paper bags.” (2) This was said almost one hundred years ago and if we could of followed this trend no telling what could of happened, but “Manila yielded better rope. Burlap, made from jute, took over the sacking market. The paper industry began using wood pulp. The carpet industry switched over to wool, sisal, and jute, then nylon.” (38) The US still hasn’t understood the message and refuses to conform to the rest of the world. This does not include the C&S Specialty Builders Supply, who I mentioned before, and produces the superlative composite fiberboard from hemp. David Seber and William Conde have stated, “The way to fix the forest is to use advanced composites from annual fibers like hemp. Anything you can make out of a tree you can make out of hemp. We can leave the forest alone and everyone can go back to work.” (1) “Hemp cultivation in the US is suppressed by laws supported by drug enforcement agencies, for fear that high THC plants will be grown amidst the low THC plants used for hemp production.” (2) This would be absolutely impossible because, “hemp is grown quite differently from marijuana. Moreover, it is harvested at a different time than marijuana. Finally, cross-pollination between hemp plants and marijuana plants would significantly reduce the potency of the marijuana plant.” (26)
A key player in the fight for hemp legalization is Rep. of North Dakota David Mason, who in February 2007 was the first of two US farmers to receive a state license to grow industrial hemp. “Under the new North Dakota law, farmers no longer need permission from DEA to grow industrial hemp, which is now distinguished from “marijuana”. (2) Although they were very close to the first growing season this year the, “DEA delayed the applications too late to begin the season.” (2) The DEA, over the years, has tried their best to postpone the inevitable and in 2001, they ruled that even traces of THC in products intended for food use would be illegal, as of February 6, 2002. The HIA filed suit which the 9th Circuit of Appeals issued a unanimous decision in favor of the HIA. On September 28th, 2004, “the HIA claimed victory after DEA declined to appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States… which protected the sale of hemp-containing foods. Industrial hemp remains legal for import and sale in the US, but US farmers still aren’t permitted to grow it.” (2)
Slowly but surely the US public is beginning to understand the positive impact that industrial hemp could have on the US economy. Already 15 states have passed pro hemp legislation, 7 have removed barriers to its production or research and North Dakota issued state licenses which are the first to be established in over 50 years. (39) The industrial hemp industry has a very positive outlook for the US public because we are all becoming more environmentally aware of the issues that are destroying the world that we ALL live in. As said by the legendary Bob Marley himself, “You can fool some people sometime, but you can’t fool all the people all the time. You can run but you can’t hide.”
1. Hemp Husbandry
2. Wikipedia Hemp
3. European Economic Community
4. Carte, W. E. &Doughty, P.: Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 282: 2-16(1976)
5. Fletcher, J.M., et al., Contemporary Drug Problems 7 (1): 3-34 (1978)
6. Grinspoon, L. & Bakalar, J.: Marihuana, the Forbidden Medicine; 1993, Yale Univ. Press, CT
7. Siler, J.F., et al.: Military Surgeon 73: 269-280 (Nov. 1933)
8. New York (City) Mayor’s Committee on Marihuana: The Marihuana Problem in the City of New York; 1973, Scarecrow Reprint Corp., Metuchen, NJ
9. Satz, et al.: Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 282: 2-16 (1976)
10. Clark, V.: History of Manufactures in the U.S.; 1929, McGraw Hill, NY, p. 34
11. High Times (October 1989)
12. Siler Committee: Canal Zone Papers; 1931, U.S.G.P.O., Wash. DC
13. Siler, J.F., et al.: Military Surgeon 73: 269-280 (Nov. 1933)
14. Bensky, Dan, & Gamble, Andrew: Chinese Herbal Medicine: Materia Medica; 1993, Eastland Press, Inc., Seattle
15. Allen, James L.: The Reign of Law; 1900, MacMillan Co., NY
16. Wirtshafter, Don: The Schlichten Papers; 1994, The Ohio Hempery
17. Little, Frances: Early American Textiles; 1931, NY; p.14
18. Washington, George: The Diaries of George Washington; 1925, Houghton Mifflin
19. Baron, Robert C.: The Garden and Farm Books of Thomas Jefferson; 1987, Fulcrum, Inc
20. Betts, E.M. (ed.): Th. Jefferson’s Farm Book; 1953, Princeton Univ. Press, p. 252
21. Martin, Edwin T.: Th. Jefferson: Scientist; 1961, Collier Books, NY; pp. 88-90
22. Hemp World https://hempworld.co
23. Shinogi, M., & Mori, I.: Yakugaku Zasshi 98 (5): 569-576 (1978)
24. Chang, U., & King, G.: The Materia Medica of the Hindus; 1877, Thacker, Spink & Co
25. 19. National Committee on Marihuana & Drug Abuse: Marihuana: Signal of Misunderstanding; 1972, USGPO, Wash. DC; Stock # 5266-0001
26. Hemp Traders
https://www.hemptraders.com/ properties_of_hemp101.php
27. Kemmoku, A., et al.: Bull. Faculty of Educ., Utsonomiya Univ. 42 (2): 165-172 (1992)
28. Herbal Pharmacology in the People’s Republic of China; 1975, Nat. Acad. Sci., Wash. DC
29. Weil, Andrew: Natural Health Mag. (March-April 1993), pp. 10-12
30. The Hemp Shop
https://www.thehempshop.co.uk/ why-hemp.php
31. Hemp for Victory
32. James F. Hopkins, Slavery in the Hemp Industry
33. Herer, Jack: Hemp and the Marijuana Conspiracy (The Emperor Wears No Clothes); 1985/1993, Hemp Publishing, Van Nuys, CA; ISBN 1-878125-00-1
34. Popular Mechanics (February 1938); “The New Billion Dollar Crop”
35. Highlights from the book Marijuana Myths, Marijuana Facts: A Review of the Scientific Evidence. By Drs. Lynn Zimmer and John Morgan. New York: The Lindesmith Center, 1997.
36. National BioDiesel Board
37. Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission (1893-1894); 1894, British Govt. Printing House, Simla, India; 8 volumes
38. Kaplan, John: Report of the Indian Hemp Drugs Commission: Summary Volume; 1969, Jefferson Press, Silver Springs, MD
39. https://www.agriculture.com/
Checkout What The Bad Guys Don’t Want You To See! We Are Alive! You Are The Resistance!
My exZACKtaMOUNTas website, includes information on the 3 Branches of the United States Government. The Legislative Branch, The Executive Branch, and The Judicial Branch. Everybody needs to first read the Constitution and then learn how the Federal Government runs, so that you know 1) The Legislative Branch, makes the laws. 2) Congress consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. 3) The Executive Branch consists of the President, Vice President, Cabinet, and most federal agencies and carry out the laws. 4) The Judicial Branch consists of the Supreme Court and other federal courts and evaluates the laws.
It’s time to launch Operation Patriot Revere Worldwide! Patriots need to get together online, in the real world, and act worldwide, on what motivates them the most! We need to use the 1st amendment first, before we use the 2nd amendment! Whatever you do, get active or get enslaved! If the globalists, get control of the world, then Katie bar the door! We can’t let them do that, ever! Help me show these articles and videos by immediately being able to contact The Legislative Branch! Tell Congress, your Senators, and your House of Representatives, by going to these pages and tell them what you think. Share the articles and posts you want them to see on their social media platforms and more! Their social media links, ‘Contact’ links and office phone numbers are all on this website at: The Legislative Branch, Congress, Senate, House of Representatives. Don’t just sit there and take it! Let’s expose these bad guys and spread the #GOODNEWS! The spirit wants to fight! This is the time to start! Let’s get in that kick ass mode and share what we want to see!! Make the articles you like GO VIRAL! Wake up from the Great Illusion and see what is really happening! Expose the Truth to everybody you can and share with them exZACKly What They Need To Hear!
The Good Guys Lost by Zack Mount
I created this song years ago around 2013 and 2014, but I’m just now officially releasing it!
A bunch of the clips are from the years 2012, 2013, and 2014! Alex Jones went to Dallas, Texas where Dallas held the first ever 50 year JFK ceremony, as the city confronted it’s infamous past of what happened back on November 22nd 1963! City planned understated commemoration at Dealey Plaza meant to focus on Kennedy’s life and legacy, rather than his assassination! There’s footage from 2014 of the Ukraine coup and revolution! Plus there’s footage of the Bundy Ranch standoff! Plus there’s Agent Smith in the hospitals predicting what we’re seeing right now! This is my first new song on my second album! I’m working on 9 more songs that will be coming soon! Be on the lookout!
Ben Davidson Needs to be on The Alex Jones Show and The Joe Rogan Show!
It’s the last piece of the puzzle! I swear & promise!
Imminent Cataclysm and the Plan to Survive the Great Reset!
“Only The HOLY SPIRIT And The Divine Connection Can Come In And Lead Guide And Direct You! And That’s What This Freewill Journey Is! You’re Not Jacking Into The Matrix Or The MetaVerse… You’re Jacking Into The HOLY SPIRIT And The CREATOR Of The Universe!” says Alex Jones!
Be Sure To Listen To & ENJOY Josh McKenzie’s FULL ALBUM Right Here!
So again, if you want to SHARE a link to a censored video on social media, please use: https://freeworldnews.tv, https://banthis.tv/, https://CantCensorTruth.com, http://theresistance.video/, https://electionnight.news/, and https://Censoredbyjack.com, and https://2020electioncenter.com/, and https://www.79days.news, aka https//www.BANNED.VIDEO, & https://www.newswars.com/, & https://wecantbreathe.news/
Join The Alex Jones Show!
Tune in to find out what the establishment is trying to hide!
(877)-789-2539 / Weekdays 8 am – 9pm and Sunday 4pm – 8pm CST
Defendants Alex Jones and Free Speech Systems, LLC, herewith move, pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes section 52-228b and Practice Book Section 16-35, to set aside the verdict on grounds apparent in the record and on the basis of remittitur. A separate motion and brief are filed concurrently to address the remittitur claim. In short, the defendants contend that the cumulative weight of the court’s ruling on pre-trial motions and its evidentiary rulings resulted in a complete abdication of the trial court’s role in assuring a fair trial resulting in a substantial miscarriage of justice. Jurors were presented with half-truths and led to believe that facts had been established where no such thing had occurred; a disciplinary default for discovery non-compliance permitted the plaintiffs’ counsel to mislead the jury. Additionally, the amount of the compensatory damages award exceeds any rational relationship to the evidence offered at trial. The defendants seek a new trial. The verdict in the instant case is both unjust and against the weight of the evidence. I. Nature of the Proceedings On December 14, 2012, Adam Lanza murdered 20 school children and 6 adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Five and one-half years later, the parents of several of the students killed, and the adult family members of several of the adults killed, together with an FBI officer who arrived at the scene shortly after the murders – some sixteen in all, sued Alex Jones and related defendants. In three-lengthy complaints, the plaintiffs raised a series of claims: defamation per se, negligent infliction of emotional distress, intentional infliction of emotional distress, false light breach of privacy, and a violation of the Connecticut Unfair Trade Practices Act. On the eve of trial, the plaintiffs dropped their claim of negligent infliction of emotional distress. The trial was limited to damages, as a result of a disciplinary default after repeated motions by the plaintiffs requesting such spanning several years. Despite the defendants having turned over tens of thousands of emails and documents, having employees sit through dozens of depositions, and responding to both written discovery requests and requests for admissions, the court entered a default, finding a willful failure to substantially comply with discovery obligations, The jury was left to decide damages alone. At trial, the court construed the default in such a manner as to eliminate any need for the plaintiffs to demonstrate that the harm they suffered was caused by Mr. Jones. The trial record is replete with claims of harassment that are unattributed to a declarant, lack any demonstrable nexus to the defendants and, in may instances, fail to meet even minimal indicia of reliability. One plaintiff, for example, reported hearing through a third party that some other person had urinated on the grave of their deceased child. This, too, without more, was attributed to the defendants. After several weeks of trial, the jury returned a unanimous verdict of approximately $1 billion. Pending before the Court are the matters of common law punitive damages in the amount of attorneys’ fees and costs, and punitive damages arising under CUTPA. A briefing schedule is in place to address these issues, dates set for evidentiary hearings, if such hearings are necessary, and an argument date of November 7 for unresolved questions. Presumably, judgment will enter shortly after argument.
Americans are Sleepwalking into WW3, says Author of Bioweapons Treaty!
October 17th 2022 – Dr. Francis Boyle joins The Alex Jones Show to break down how the American people are sleep-walking into WW3!
Biden Impeachment Bill Circulating on Capitol Hill In Response to WW3 Threat! This isn’t rhetoric! Several lawmakers are actually concerned about the emerging threat of nuclear war against Russia & Biden doing nothing to stop it!